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Search Results (47)

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Understanding Health Equity in Patient-Reported Outcomes.Academic Article Why?
Association of mental health-related patient reported outcomes with blood pressure in adults and children with primary proteinuric glomerulopathies.Academic Article Why?
Registry-Assisted Dissemination of Mobile Pain Management for Youth with ArthritisGrant Why?
Bradley-Ewing, AndreaPerson Why?
Erickson, LoriPerson Why?
Connelly, MarkPerson Why?
Pilot of an ART Adherence Readiness InterventionGrant Why?
Addressing Social Determinants of Health to Improve Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Among Underserved African AmericansGrant Why?
COVID-19 Testing and Linkage to Care with African American Church and Health Agency PartnersGrant Why?
WebSMART: Efficacy of Web-Based Pain Self-Management for Adolescents with JIAGrant Why?
Clements, MarkPerson Why?
Hurley, EmilyPerson Why?
Cramer, EmilyPerson Why?
War of Attrition: Predicting Dropout from Pediatric Weight ManagementGrant Why?
Miller, MelissaPerson Why?
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