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Search Results (17)

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Carlson, JordanPerson Why?
Geographic Information SystemsConcept Why?
Validity of a Global Positioning System-Based Algorithm and Consumer Wearables for Classifying Active Trips in Children and Adults.Academic Article Why?
Is missing geographic positioning system data in accelerometry studies a problem, and is imputation the solution?Academic Article Why?
Locations of Physical Activity as Assessed by GPS in Young Adolescents.Academic Article Why?
Validity of PALMS GPS scoring of active and passive travel compared with SenseCam.Academic Article Why?
Association between neighborhood walkability and GPS-measured walking, bicycling and vehicle time in adolescents.Academic Article Why?
Neighborhood preference, walkability and walking in overweight/obese men.Academic Article Why?
Relationship between Objectively Measured Transportation Behaviors and Health Characteristics in Older Adults.Academic Article Why?
Within-person associations of young adolescents' physical activity across five primary locations: is there evidence of cross-location compensation?Academic Article Why?
Understanding obesity-related behaviors and the role of school and non-school environments using location-based measuresGrant Why?
Built environment attributes related to GPS measured active trips in mid-life and older adults with mobility disabilities.Academic Article Why?
Ciclov?a participation and impacts in San Diego, CA: the first CicloSDias.Academic Article Why?
Marriage and parenthood in relation to obesogenic neighborhood trajectories: The CARDIA study.Academic Article Why?
Sledding injuries: a rationale for helmet usage.Academic Article Why?
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  • Geographic Information Systems
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