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Search Results (105)

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Grundberg, ElinPerson Why?
Epigenetics: where environment, society and genetics meet.Academic Article Why?
EpiVar Browser: advanced exploration of epigenomics data under controlled access.Academic Article Why?
Points-to-consider on the return of results in epigenetic research.Academic Article Why?
Genetic Drivers of Epigenetic and Transcriptional Variation in Human Immune Cells.Academic Article Why?
Communicating science: epigenetics in the spotlight.Academic Article Why?
Early-life stress perturbs the epigenetics of Cd36 concurrent with adult onset of NAFLD in mice.Academic Article Why?
Epigenetics and fetal adaptation to perinatal events: diversity through fidelity.Academic Article Why?
Epigenetics and the developmental origins of disease: the key to unlocking the door of personalized medicine.Academic Article Why?
Epigenetics and the developmental origins of lung disease.Academic Article Why?
Epigenetics: an accessible mechanism through which to track and respond to an obesogenic environment.Academic Article Why?
Epigenetics: intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) modifies the histone code along the rat hepatic IGF-1 gene.Academic Article Why?
Fetal programming, epigenetics, and adult onset disease.Academic Article Why?
Cheung, WarrenPerson Why?
Epigenetics Participate in Neonatal CLDGrant Why?
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