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Search Results to Emily Hurley

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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Hurley, Emily

research overview Dr. Hurley is a public health researcher with expertise in the social and behavioral sciences. Her research centers on interpersonal influence in health behavior interventions, specifically, determining how patient-provider communications and social networks can improve patient outcomes. She has applied these core interests to diverse health topics including maternal and child health, sexual and reproductive health, HIV care and treatment, chronic disease prevention, and antibiotic stewardship. Dr. Hurley is especially committed to research that informs interventions for underserved populations in the U.S. and in sub-Saharan Africa. In addition to her own research, she leads the Population Health Formative Research Team, which provides formative, mixed-methods, and qualitative research support to various projects at Children’s Mercy Hospital.

One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Hurley, Emily

Item TypeName
Concept Patient Acceptance of Health Care
Concept Treatment Outcome
Concept Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active
Academic Article Changes in Providers' Self-Efficacy and Intentions to Provide Safer Conception Counseling Over 24 Months.
Grant Integrating Counseling to Transform HIV Family Planning Services
Academic Article "There is no free here, you have to pay": actual and perceived costs as barriers to intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy in Mali.
Academic Article Underreporting and Missed Opportunities for Uptake of Intermittent Preventative Treatment of Malaria in Pregnancy (IPTp) in Mali.
Academic Article Patient-provider communication styles in HIV treatment programs in Bamako, Mali: A mixed-methods study to define dimensions and measure patient preferences.
Academic Article The Role of Patient-Provider Communication in Engagement and Re-engagement in HIV Treatment in Bamako, Mali: A Qualitative Study.
Academic Article eHealth Interventions for Early Infant Diagnosis: Mothers' Satisfaction with the HIV Infant Tracking System in Kenya.
Academic Article "They Merely Prescribe and I Merely Swallow": Perceptions of Antenatal Pharmaceuticals and Nutritional Supplements Among Pregnant Women in Bamako, Mali.
Grant Evaluating the HITSystem to Improve PMTCT Retention and Maternal Viral Suppression in Kenya
Grant Patient-provider communication and patient engagement in HIV programs in Mali
Academic Article Evaluating the efficacy of the HITSystem 2.1 to improve PMTCT retention and maternal viral suppression in Kenya: Study protocol of a cluster-randomized trial.
Academic Article Over forty percent of women living with HIV report interruption in antiretroviral therapy during intrapartum and early postpartum inpatient stay: findings from five hospitals in Ghana.
Academic Article Audience Response to COVID Monologues: Research-Based Theater on the Societal Impact of COVID-19.

Search Criteria
  • Acceptance
  • Based
  • Treatment