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Management and outcomes of peripancreatic fluid collections and pseudocysts following non-operative management of pancreatic injuries in children.

Rosenfeld EH, Vogel AM, Jafri M, Burd R, Russell R, Beaudin M, Sandler A, Thakkar R, Falcone RA, Wills H, Upperman J, Burke RV, Escobar MA, Klinkner DB, Gaines BA, Gosain A, Campbell BT, Mooney D, Stallion A, Fenton SJ, Prince JM, Juang D, Kreykes N, Naik-Mathuria BJ. Management and outcomes of peripancreatic fluid collections and pseudocysts following non-operative management of pancreatic injuries in children. Pediatr Surg Int. 2019 Aug; 35(8):861-867.

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