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Tomi Pastinen to Alleles

This is a "connection" page, showing publications Tomi Pastinen has written about Alleles.

Connection Strength
  1. Morin A, Kwan T, Ge B, Letourneau L, Ban M, Tandre K, Caron M, Sandling JK, Carlsson J, Bourque G, Laprise C, Montpetit A, Syvanen AC, Ronnblom L, Sawcer SJ, Lathrop MG, Pastinen T. Immunoseq: the identification of functionally relevant variants through targeted capture and sequencing of active regulatory regions in human immune cells. BMC Med Genomics. 2016 09 13; 9(1):59.
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    Score: 0.510
  2. Light N, Adoue V, Ge B, Chen SH, Kwan T, Pastinen T. Interrogation of allelic chromatin states in human cells by high-density ChIP-genotyping. Epigenetics. 2014 Sep; 9(9):1238-51.
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    Score: 0.440
  3. Pastinen T. Genome-wide allele-specific analysis: insights into regulatory variation. Nat Rev Genet. 2010 Aug; 11(8):533-8.
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    Score: 0.331
  4. Ge B, Pokholok DK, Kwan T, Grundberg E, Morcos L, Verlaan DJ, Le J, Koka V, Lam KC, Gagn? V, Dias J, Hoberman R, Montpetit A, Joly MM, Harvey EJ, Sinnett D, Beaulieu P, Hamon R, Graziani A, Dewar K, Harmsen E, Majewski J, G?ring HH, Naumova AK, Blanchette M, Gunderson KL, Pastinen T. Global patterns of cis variation in human cells revealed by high-density allelic expression analysis. Nat Genet. 2009 Nov; 41(11):1216-22.
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    Score: 0.316
  5. Ge B, Gurd S, Gaudin T, Dore C, Lepage P, Harmsen E, Hudson TJ, Pastinen T. Survey of allelic expression using EST mining. Genome Res. 2005 Nov; 15(11):1584-91.
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    Score: 0.240
  6. Pellerin D, Del Gobbo GF, Couse M, Dolzhenko E, Nageshwaran SK, Cheung WA, Xu IRL, Dicaire MJ, Spurdens G, Matos-Rodrigues G, Stevanovski I, Scriba CK, Rebelo A, Roth V, Wandzel M, Bonnet C, Ashton C, Agarwal A, Peter C, Hasson D, Tsankova NM, Dewar K, Lamont PJ, Laing NG, Renaud M, Houlden H, Synofzik M, Usdin K, Nussenzweig A, Napierala M, Chen Z, Jiang H, Deveson IW, Ravenscroft G, Akbarian S, Eberle MA, Boycott KM, Pastinen T, Brais B, Zuchner S, Danzi MC. A common flanking variant is associated with enhanced stability of the FGF14-SCA27B repeat locus. Nat Genet. 2024 Jul; 56(7):1366-1370.
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    Score: 0.219
  7. Groza C, Schwendinger-Schreck C, Cheung WA, Farrow EG, Thiffault I, Lake J, Rizzo WB, Evrony G, Curran T, Bourque G, Pastinen T. Pangenome graphs improve the analysis of structural variants in rare genetic diseases. Nat Commun. 2024 Jan 22; 15(1):657.
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    Score: 0.212
  8. Pastinen T, Raitio M, Lindroos K, Tainola P, Peltonen L, Syv?nen AC. A system for specific, high-throughput genotyping by allele-specific primer extension on microarrays. Genome Res. 2000 Jul; 10(7):1031-42.
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    Score: 0.166
  9. Cheung WA, Shao X, Morin A, Siroux V, Kwan T, Ge B, A?ssi D, Chen L, Vasquez L, Allum F, Gu?nard F, Bouzigon E, Simon MM, Boulier E, Redensek A, Watt S, Datta A, Clarke L, Flicek P, Mead D, Paul DS, Beck S, Bourque G, Lathrop M, Tchernof A, Vohl MC, Demenais F, Pin I, Downes K, Stunnenberg HG, Soranzo N, Pastinen T, Grundberg E. Functional variation in allelic methylomes underscores a strong genetic contribution and reveals novel epigenetic alterations in the human epigenome. Genome Biol. 2017 03 10; 18(1):50.
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    Score: 0.132
  10. Hamdi Y, Soucy P, Kuchenbaeker KB, Pastinen T, Droit A, Lema?on A, Adlard J, Aittom?ki K, Andrulis IL, Arason A, Arnold N, Arun BK, Azzollini J, Bane A, Barjhoux L, Barrowdale D, Benitez J, Berthet P, Blok MJ, Bobolis K, Bonadona V, Bonanni B, Bradbury AR, Brewer C, Buecher B, Buys SS, Caligo MA, Chiquette J, Chung WK, Claes KB, Daly MB, Damiola F, Davidson R, De la Hoya M, De Leeneer K, Diez O, Ding YC, Dolcetti R, Domchek SM, Dorfling CM, Eccles D, Eeles R, Einbeigi Z, Ejlertsen B, Engel C, Gareth Evans D, Feliubadalo L, Foretova L, Fostira F, Foulkes WD, Fountzilas G, Friedman E, Frost D, Ganschow P, Ganz PA, Garber J, Gayther SA, Gerdes AM, Glendon G, Godwin AK, Goldgar DE, Greene MH, Gronwald J, Hahnen E, Hamann U, Hansen TV, Hart S, Hays JL, Hogervorst FB, Hulick PJ, Imyanitov EN, Isaacs C, Izatt L, Jakubowska A, James P, Janavicius R, Jensen UB, John EM, Joseph V, Just W, Kaczmarek K, Karlan BY, Kets CM, Kirk J, Kriege M, Laitman Y, Laurent M, Lazaro C, Leslie G, Lester J, Lesueur F, Liljegren A, Loman N, Loud JT, Manoukian S, Mariani M, Mazoyer S, McGuffog L, Meijers-Heijboer HE, Meindl A, Miller A, Montagna M, Mulligan AM, Nathanson KL, Neuhausen SL, Nevanlinna H, Nussbaum RL, Olah E, Olopade OI, Ong KR, Oosterwijk JC, Osorio A, Papi L, Park SK, Pedersen IS, Peissel B, Segura PP, Peterlongo P, Phelan CM, Radice P, Rantala J, Rappaport-Fuerhauser C, Rennert G, Richardson A, Robson M, Rodriguez GC, Rookus MA, Schmutzler RK, Sevenet N, Shah PD, Singer CF, Slavin TP, Snape K, Sokolowska J, S?nderstrup IM, Southey M, Spurdle AB, Stadler Z, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Sukiennicki G, Sutter C, Tan Y, Tea MK, Teixeira MR, Teul? A, Teo SH, Terry MB, Thomassen M, Tihomirova L, Tischkowitz M, Tognazzo S, Toland AE, Tung N, van den Ouweland AM, van der Luijt RB, van Engelen K, van Rensburg EJ, Varon-Mateeva R, Wappenschmidt B, Wijnen JT, Rebbeck T, Chenevix-Trench G, Offit K, Couch FJ, Nord S, Easton DF, Antoniou AC, Simard J. Association of breast cancer risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers with genetic variants showing differential allelic expression: identification of a modifier of breast cancer risk at locus 11q22.3. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2017 01; 161(1):117-134.
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    Score: 0.129
  11. Magne F, Ge B, Larriv?e-Vanier S, Van Vliet G, Samuels ME, Pastinen T, Delado?y J. Demonstration of Autosomal Monoallelic Expression in Thyroid Tissue Assessed by Whole-Exome and Bulk RNA Sequencing. Thyroid. 2016 06; 26(6):852-9.
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    Score: 0.125
  12. Adoue V, Schiavi A, Light N, Alml?f JC, Lundmark P, Ge B, Kwan T, Caron M, R?nnblom L, Wang C, Chen SH, Goodall AH, Cambien F, Deloukas P, Ouwehand WH, Syv?nen AC, Pastinen T. Allelic expression mapping across cellular lineages to establish impact of non-coding SNPs. Mol Syst Biol. 2014 Oct 16; 10:754.
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    Score: 0.112
  13. Alml?f JC, Lundmark P, Lundmark A, Ge B, Maouche S, G?ring HH, Liljedahl U, Enstr?m C, Brocheton J, Proust C, Godefroy T, Sambrook JG, Jolley J, Crisp-Hihn A, Foad N, Lloyd-Jones H, Stephens J, Gwilliam R, Rice CM, Hengstenberg C, Samani NJ, Erdmann J, Schunkert H, Pastinen T, Deloukas P, Goodall AH, Ouwehand WH, Cambien F, Syv?nen AC. Powerful identification of cis-regulatory SNPs in human primary monocytes using allele-specific gene expression. PLoS One. 2012; 7(12):e52260.
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    Score: 0.099
  14. Morcos L, Ge B, Koka V, Lam KC, Pokholok DK, Gunderson KL, Montpetit A, Verlaan DJ, Pastinen T. Genome-wide assessment of imprinted expression in human cells. Genome Biol. 2011; 12(3):R25.
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    Score: 0.087
  15. Verlaan DJ, Berlivet S, Hunninghake GM, Madore AM, Larivi?re M, Moussette S, Grundberg E, Kwan T, Ouimet M, Ge B, Hoberman R, Swiatek M, Dias J, Lam KC, Koka V, Harmsen E, Soto-Quiros M, Avila L, Celed?n JC, Weiss ST, Dewar K, Sinnett D, Laprise C, Raby BA, Pastinen T, Naumova AK. Allele-specific chromatin remodeling in the ZPBP2/GSDMB/ORMDL3 locus associated with the risk of asthma and autoimmune disease. Am J Hum Genet. 2009 Sep; 85(3):377-93.
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    Score: 0.078
  16. Lerner-Ellis JP, Anastasio N, Liu J, Coelho D, Suormala T, Stucki M, Loewy AD, Gurd S, Grundberg E, Morel CF, Watkins D, Baumgartner MR, Pastinen T, Rosenblatt DS, Fowler B. Spectrum of mutations in MMACHC, allelic expression, and evidence for genotype-phenotype correlations. Hum Mutat. 2009 Jul; 30(7):1072-81.
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    Score: 0.077
  17. Verlaan DJ, Ge B, Grundberg E, Hoberman R, Lam KC, Koka V, Dias J, Gurd S, Martin NW, Mallmin H, Nilsson O, Harmsen E, Dewar K, Kwan T, Pastinen T. Targeted screening of cis-regulatory variation in human haplotypes. Genome Res. 2009 Jan; 19(1):118-27.
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    Score: 0.074
  18. Pastinen T, Ge B, Hudson TJ. Influence of human genome polymorphism on gene expression. Hum Mol Genet. 2006 Apr 15; 15 Spec No 1:R9-16.
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    Score: 0.062
  19. Pastinen T, Hudson TJ. Cis-acting regulatory variation in the human genome. Science. 2004 Oct 22; 306(5696):647-50.
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    Score: 0.056
  20. Paul MS, Michener SL, Pan H, Chan H, Pfliger JM, Rosenfeld JA, Lerma VC, Tran A, Longley MA, Lewis RA, Weisz-Hubshman M, Bekheirnia MR, Bekheirnia N, Massingham L, Zech M, Wagner M, Engels H, Cremer K, Mangold E, Peters S, Trautmann J, Mester JL, Guillen Sacoto MJ, Person R, McDonnell PP, Cohen SR, Lusk L, Cohen ASA, Le Pichon JB, Pastinen T, Zhou D, Engleman K, Racine C, Faivre L, Moutton S, Denomm?-Pichon AS, Koh HY, Poduri A, Bolton J, Knopp C, Julia Suh DS, Maier A, Toosi MB, Karimiani EG, Maroofian R, Schaefer GB, Ramakumaran V, Vasudevan P, Prasad C, Osmond M, Schuhmann S, Vasileiou G, Russ-Hall S, Scheffer IE, Carvill GL, Mefford H, Bacino CA, Lee BH, Chao HT. A syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder caused by rare variants in PPFIA3. Am J Hum Genet. 2024 01 04; 111(1):96-118.
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    Score: 0.053
  21. Dolzhenko E, English A, Dashnow H, De Sena Brandine G, Mokveld T, Rowell WJ, Karniski C, Kronenberg Z, Danzi MC, Cheung WA, Bi C, Farrow E, Wenger A, Chua KP, Mart?nez-Cerde?o V, Bartley TD, Jin P, Nelson DL, Zuchner S, Pastinen T, Quinlan AR, Sedlazeck FJ, Eberle MA. Characterization and visualization of tandem repeats at genome scale. Nat Biotechnol. 2024 Oct; 42(10):1606-1614.
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    Score: 0.053
  22. Pastinen T, Perola M, Ignatius J, Sabatti C, Tainola P, Levander M, Syv?nen AC, Peltonen L. Dissecting a population genome for targeted screening of disease mutations. Hum Mol Genet. 2001 Dec 15; 10(26):2961-72.
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    Score: 0.046
  23. Pastinen T, Perola M, Niini P, Terwilliger J, Salomaa V, Vartiainen E, Peltonen L, Syv?nen A. Array-based multiplex analysis of candidate genes reveals two independent and additive genetic risk factors for myocardial infarction in the Finnish population. Hum Mol Genet. 1998 Sep; 7(9):1453-62.
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    Score: 0.037
  24. Koskela S, Ritari J, Hyv?rinen K, Kwan T, Niittyvuopio R, It?l?-Remes M, Pastinen T, Partanen J. Hidden genomic MHC disparity between HLA-matched sibling pairs in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Sci Rep. 2018 03 29; 8(1):5396.
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    Score: 0.035
  25. Gu?ant JL, Ch?ry C, Oussalah A, Nadaf J, Coelho D, Josse T, Flayac J, Robert A, Koscinski I, Gastin I, Filhine-Tresarrieu P, Pupavac M, Brebner A, Watkins D, Pastinen T, Montpetit A, Hariri F, Tregou?t D, Raby BA, Chung WK, Morange PE, Froese DS, Baumgartner MR, Benoist JF, Ficicioglu C, Marchand V, Motorin Y, Bonnemains C, Feillet F, Majewski J, Rosenblatt DS. APRDX1 mutant allele causes a MMACHC secondary epimutation in cblC patients. Nat Commun. 2018 01 04; 9(1):67.
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    Score: 0.035
  26. Tienari PJ, Kuokkanen S, Pastinen T, Wikstr?m J, Sajantila A, Sandberg-Wollheim M, Palo J, Peltonen L. Golli-MBP gene in multiple sclerosis susceptibility. J Neuroimmunol. 1998 Jan; 81(1-2):158-67.
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    Score: 0.035
  27. Li N, Johnson DC, Weinhold N, Kimber S, Dobbins SE, Mitchell JS, Kinnersley B, Sud A, Law PJ, Orlando G, Scales M, Wardell CP, F?rsti A, Hoang PH, Went M, Holroyd A, Hariri F, Pastinen T, Meissner T, Goldschmidt H, Hemminki K, Morgan GJ, Kaiser M, Houlston RS. Genetic Predisposition to Multiple Myeloma at 5q15 Is Mediated by an ELL2 Enhancer Polymorphism. Cell Rep. 2017 Sep 12; 20(11):2556-2564.
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    Score: 0.034
  28. Astle WJ, Elding H, Jiang T, Allen D, Ruklisa D, Mann AL, Mead D, Bouman H, Riveros-Mckay F, Kostadima MA, Lambourne JJ, Sivapalaratnam S, Downes K, Kundu K, Bomba L, Berentsen K, Bradley JR, Daugherty LC, Delaneau O, Freson K, Garner SF, Grassi L, Guerrero J, Haimel M, Janssen-Megens EM, Kaan A, Kamat M, Kim B, Mandoli A, Marchini J, Martens JHA, Meacham S, Megy K, O'Connell J, Petersen R, Sharifi N, Sheard SM, Staley JR, Tuna S, van der Ent M, Walter K, Wang SY, Wheeler E, Wilder SP, Iotchkova V, Moore C, Sambrook J, Stunnenberg HG, Di Angelantonio E, Kaptoge S, Kuijpers TW, Carrillo-de-Santa-Pau E, Juan D, Rico D, Valencia A, Chen L, Ge B, Vasquez L, Kwan T, Garrido-Mart?n D, Watt S, Yang Y, Guigo R, Beck S, Paul DS, Pastinen T, Bujold D, Bourque G, Frontini M, Danesh J, Roberts DJ, Ouwehand WH, Butterworth AS, Soranzo N. The Allelic Landscape of Human Blood Cell Trait Variation and Links to Common Complex Disease. Cell. 2016 11 17; 167(5):1415-1429.e19.
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    Score: 0.032
  29. Pastinen T, Partanen J, Syv?nen AC. Multiplex, fluorescent, solid-phase minisequencing for efficient screening of DNA sequence variation. Clin Chem. 1996 Sep; 42(9):1391-7.
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    Score: 0.032
  30. Sarnowski C, Laprise C, Malerba G, Moffatt MF, Dizier MH, Morin A, Vincent QB, Rohde K, Esparza-Gordillo J, Margaritte-Jeannin P, Liang L, Lee YA, Bousquet J, Siroux V, Pignatti PF, Cookson WO, Lathrop M, Pastinen T, Demenais F, Bouzigon E. DNA methylation within melatonin receptor 1A (MTNR1A) mediates paternally transmitted genetic variant effect on asthma plus rhinitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2016 09; 138(3):748-753.
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    Score: 0.031
  31. Zhang K, Huentelman MJ, Rao F, Sun EI, Corneveaux JJ, Schork AJ, Wei Z, Waalen J, Miramontes-Gonzalez JP, Hightower CM, Maihofer AX, Mahata M, Pastinen T, Ehret GB, Schork NJ, Eskin E, Nievergelt CM, Saier MH, O'Connor DT. Genetic implication of a novel thiamine transporter in human hypertension. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014 Apr 22; 63(15):1542-55.
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    Score: 0.027
  32. Cotton AM, Ge B, Light N, Adoue V, Pastinen T, Brown CJ. Analysis of expressed SNPs identifies variable extents of expression from the human inactive X chromosome. Genome Biol. 2013 Nov 01; 14(11):R122.
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    Score: 0.026
  33. Lefebvre JF, Vello E, Ge B, Montgomery SB, Dermitzakis ET, Pastinen T, Labuda D. Genotype-based test in mapping cis-regulatory variants from allele-specific expression data. PLoS One. 2012; 7(6):e38667.
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    Score: 0.024
  34. Verlaan DJ, Ouimet M, Adoue V, Sirois-Gagnon D, Larivi?re M, Ge B, Beaulieu P, Dias J, Lam KC, Koka V, Laprise C, Pastinen T, Sinnett D. Promoter polymorphisms in CHI3L1 are associated with asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2012 Aug; 130(2):533-5.
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    Score: 0.024
  35. Qu HQ, Verlaan DJ, Ge B, Lu Y, Lam KC, Grabs R, Harmsen E, Hudson TJ, Hakonarson H, Pastinen T, Polychronakos C. A cis-acting regulatory variant in the IL2RA locus. J Immunol. 2009 Oct 15; 183(8):5158-62.
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    Score: 0.020
  36. Falchi M, Bataille V, Hayward NK, Duffy DL, Bishop JA, Pastinen T, Cervino A, Zhao ZZ, Deloukas P, Soranzo N, Elder DE, Barrett JH, Martin NG, Bishop DT, Montgomery GW, Spector TD. Genome-wide association study identifies variants at 9p21 and 22q13 associated with development of cutaneous nevi. Nat Genet. 2009 Aug; 41(8):915-9.
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    Score: 0.019
  37. Loewy AD, Niles KM, Anastasio N, Watkins D, Lavoie J, Lerner-Ellis JP, Pastinen T, Trasler JM, Rosenblatt DS. Epigenetic modification of the gene for the vitamin B(12) chaperone MMACHC can result in increased tumorigenicity and methionine dependence. Mol Genet Metab. 2009 Apr; 96(4):261-7.
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    Score: 0.019
  38. Richards JB, Rivadeneira F, Inouye M, Pastinen TM, Soranzo N, Wilson SG, Andrew T, Falchi M, Gwilliam R, Ahmadi KR, Valdes AM, Arp P, Whittaker P, Verlaan DJ, Jhamai M, Kumanduri V, Moorhouse M, van Meurs JB, Hofman A, Pols HA, Hart D, Zhai G, Kato BS, Mullin BH, Zhang F, Deloukas P, Uitterlinden AG, Spector TD. Bone mineral density, osteoporosis, and osteoporotic fractures: a genome-wide association study. Lancet. 2008 May 03; 371(9623):1505-12.
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    Score: 0.018
  39. Labuda D, Labb? C, Langlois S, Lefebvre JF, Freytag V, Moreau C, Sawicki J, Beaulieu P, Pastinen T, Hudson TJ, Sinnett D. Patterns of variation in DNA segments upstream of transcription start sites. Hum Mutat. 2007 May; 28(5):441-50.
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    Score: 0.017
Connection Strength

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Publication scores are based on many factors, including how long ago they were written and whether the person is a first or senior author.