A comprehensive and non-invasive assessment of skeletal muscle in adolescents with single ventricle circulation
Biography Overview Primary aim 1: Determine the differences in the SkM system measures between the Fontan and healthy cardio-typical control groups (matched by age, sex, physical activity, and pubertal status) to test our hypothesis of diminished SkM health in adolescents with Fontan. Primary aim 2: Evaluate the independent relationships between SkM system measures and cardiorespiratory fitness and cardiac function. We hypothesize that modeling these relationships (controlling for age, gender, body size, pubertal status, physical activity, and cardiac anatomy) will identify measures of the SkM system that impact Fontan fitness and cardiac function. Exploratory aim: Explore the relationship between the SkM system and frailty score, which our group has only recently applied to the Fontan population, to model our hypothesis that elements of the SkM system impact the development of early frailty, common in this population.