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Search Results (25)

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Methodological issues in the design and analyses of neonatal research studies: Experience of the NICHD Neonatal Research Network.Academic Article Why?
Neonatal research ethics after SUPPORT.Academic Article Why?
The politics of probiotics: probiotics, necrotizing enterocolitis and the ethics of neonatal research.Academic Article Why?
Current empirical research in neonatal bioethics.Academic Article Why?
Basic and translational research in neonatal pharmacology.Academic Article Why?
Inhaled nitric oxide usage in preterm infants in the NICHD Neonatal Research Network: inter-site variation and propensity evaluation.Academic Article Why?
Genetic determinants of fetal opiate exposure and risk of neonatal abstinence syndrome: Knowledge deficits and prospects for future research.Academic Article Why?
SUPPORT and the Ethics of Study Implementation: Lessons for Comparative Effectiveness Research from the Trial of Oxygen Therapy for Premature Babies.Academic Article Why?
Muddled measures of risks and misremembered reasons.Academic Article Why?
Ontogeny and Genetics of NSAID Dose-Exposure Relationship in Preterm InfantsGrant Why?
Gene-environment interactions in necrotizing enterocolitis: impact of SIGIRR mutation and gut microbiota on intestinal TLR hyperactivityGrant Why?
Accounting for multiple births in neonatal and perinatal trials: systematic review and case study.Academic Article Why?
Recommendations for the design of therapeutic trials for neonatal seizures.Academic Article Why?
Escherichia coli Siderophore Receptor IutA as a Virulence Factor in Neonatal SepsisGrant Why?
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