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Search Results (25)

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Current prescription of prophylactic factor infusions and perceived adherence for children and adolescents with haemophilia: a survey of haemophilia healthcare professionals in the United States.Academic Article Why?
Using dried blood spots for variant analysis for patients with haemophilia.Academic Article Why?
Anti-inhibitor coagulant complex prophylaxis in hemophilia with inhibitors.Academic Article Why?
Trends in dedicated care for females with bleeding disorders within U.S. hemophilia treatment centers.Academic Article Why?
Awareness, Care and Treatment In Obesity maNagement to inform Haemophilia Obesity Patient Empowerment (ACTION-TO-HOPE): Results of a survey of US patients with haemophilia and obesity (PwHO) and their partners and caregivers.Academic Article Why?
A phase IV, multicentre, open-label study of emicizumab prophylaxis in people with haemophilia A with or without FVIII inhibitors undergoing minor surgical procedures.Academic Article Why?
Increased prevalence of inhibitors in Hispanic patients with severe haemophilia A enrolled in the Universal Data Collection database.Academic Article Why?
Prophylactic bypassing agent use before and during immune tolerance induction in patients with haemophilia A and inhibitors to FVIII.Academic Article Why?
The development of pulmonary embolus in patients with haemophilia A and high-titre inhibitors - a case series and review of the literature.Academic Article Why?
Health-related quality of life in patients with haemophilia and inhibitors on prophylaxis with anti-inhibitor complex concentrate: results from the Pro-FEIBA studyAcademic Article Why?
A Prospective Observational Study of Antihemophilic Factor (Recombinant) Prophylaxis Related to Physical Activity Levels in Patients with Hemophilia A in the United States (SPACE).Academic Article Why?
Individualized factor IX dosing in two brothers: application of longitudinal pharmacokinetic modelling to optimize therapeutic benefit.Academic Article Why?
Novel treatment of combined factor V and factor VIII deficiency with Factor Eight Inhibitor Bypass Activity.Academic Article Why?
Radionuclide synovectomy/synoviorthesis (RS) in patients with bleeding disorders: A review of patient and procedure demographics and functional outcomes in the ATHNdataset.Academic Article Why?
Building the foundation for a community-generated national research blueprint for inherited bleeding disorders: facilitating research through infrastructure, workforce, resources and funding.Academic Article Why?
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