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Search Results (52)

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Connelly, MarkPerson Why?
Development of an Internet-Based Headache Management System for TeensGrant Why?
Electronic momentary assessment of weather changes as a trigger of headaches in children.Academic Article Why?
Assessing health-related quality of life in children with recurrent headache: reliability and validity of the PedsQLTM 4.0 in a pediatric headache sample.Academic Article Why?
Improving Acute Treatment of Pediatric Primary Headache Disorders With a Novel Headache Treatment Center: Retrospective Review of Preliminary Outcomes.Academic Article Why?
Current perspectives on the development and treatment of chronic daily headache in children and adolescents.Academic Article Why?
Headstrong: a pilot study of a CD-ROM intervention for recurrent pediatric headache.Academic Article Why?
Incidental neuroimaging findings in nonacute headache.Academic Article Why?
Headache Action Plan Project for Youth: System Change through School-Facilitated InterventionGrant Why?
Paroxysmal HemicraniaConcept Why?
Trigeminal Autonomic CephalalgiasConcept Why?
An intervention to improve adolescent headache self-managementGrant Why?
Opioid Use to Treat Migraine Headaches in Hospitalized Children and Adolescents.Academic Article Why?
Vascular HeadachesConcept Why?
A 5-Year-Old With Fever, Headache, Neck Stiffness, and Leg Pain.Academic Article Why?
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