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Search Results (18)

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Community-Based Participatory ResearchConcept Why?
Building a Bridge Between Genetics and Outcomes Research: Application in Autism (The AutGO Study).Academic Article Why?
Friedman, ElizabethPerson Why?
It's Time to Reverse our Thinking: The Reverse Translation Research Paradigm.Academic Article Why?
Laroche, HelenaPerson Why?
Taking It to the Pews: a CBPR-guided HIV awareness and screening project with black churches.Academic Article Why?
Bradley-Ewing, AndreaPerson Why?
An HIV Testing Intervention in African American Churches: Pilot Study Findings.Academic Article Why?
The AutGO Initiative: A Conceptual Framework for Developing Genetics-Outcomes Research Hypotheses.Academic Article Why?
A Community-Academic Partnership to Address Disparities in Obesity Among YouthGrant Why?
Hoffman, MarkPerson Why?
Cardiovascular Outcomes Research Training ProgramGrant Why?
Closing the gap: Understanding African American asthma knowledge and beliefs.Academic Article Why?
The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos Community and Surrounding Areas Study: sample, design, and procedures.Academic Article Why?
Jones, BridgettePerson Why?
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  • Community Based Participatory Research
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